Valentine’s Day In Uk Market Outlook 2018 – Ken Research

Buy Now Valentine’s Day, the day of love, falls on the 14 th of February every year. Each year brings new insights into the spending patterns of people, preferences of each gender and how these patterns are changing with every year. The shopping penetration dropped this from 2017 since the consumers felt that Valentines Day was too commercial. However, to promote their products and services, the retailers continued to discount their products to attract customers. Though the shopping penetration dropped, the number of lovers gifting their partners increased from 2017 and personalization of their gifts was a trend observed in Valentines Day 2018. Various polls and studies show that men are more likely to spend than women. In terms of the size of spending as well, men spent more on their partners than women did. In terms of generations, Baby boomers, Gen Xers, and millennials were all celebrating Valentines Day in equal numbers. In terms of generations and their spending...