Research Report Subscription Services |Full Time Equivalent Service Provider: Ken Research

 Research Report Subscription Services: - Ken Research extends a flexible work configuration to offer proficient and customized solutions to several clients based on their diverse requirements, whether continuous or influenced by ad-hoc research projects. We effectively recognize that the requirements of each client are distinctive and vary over time, propelled by business dynamics, alterations triggered by particular events and transformations in the external market environment, etc. We construct an Annual Market Research Reports Subscription model that matches the wishes of our customers with a contract of delivering high-quality products. The corporation ensures that our customers can concentrate more on their core business, develop customer relations and increase their customer base. This tends to produce a high return on investment to our clients and delivers them an entire level of satisfaction. Another advantage of our participation models is that customers have bigger control and convenience to immediately increase or decrease their team size optimizing our services in proportion to their business need.

Not only has this, but Ken Research also extends a greater amount of springiness to our clients by agreeing on them to ramp up the size of their outsourced team depending upon their flow of projects, work pressure, goals that won’t disturb the fixed cost component of their total operating expenses. The on-demand capacity addition model is frequently preferred by clients that have an unpredictable workflow and require on-requirement support on a persistent basis.

Furthermore, Ken Research performs like an extended research team for the client, delivering subscription services across the spectrum, right from topics such as data management to wide-ranging topics such as financial and investment research services. We recommend complete flexibility to the client to participate in our resources entirely for their projects. The full time/retainer model is suitable for clients in the business of financial services and consulting that has a steady flow of research work, that they could farm out and to corporate clients that have requirements for a ready team to grip their investor relations services without the accumulation of fixed costs, as well as support their fund hovering program.

For example, Brokerages, Investment banks have an ongoing obligation for daily news analysis, company research (initiation and maintenance), thematic research, market intelligence, investment banking support, and several others. The Private equity firms and asset managers need ongoing encouragement for thematic research, idea generation, screening, monitoring, updates, and numerous others. The Consulting firms and Corporate have a mix of ongoing and on-demand work connected to sponsor relation services and pitch deck preparation.

A dedicated model of engagement makes sure that the clients get uninterrupted support from our team. In this model, the turnaround time is more rapid and the client advantages by having the same set of analysts working on their needs. The clients are confident that they are receiving timely services of the maximum quality. This is a speedier and more efficient manner to scale up and have total control over the team without undertaking intense upfront investment.

Although, Ken Research bears all risks for project delivery and believes in complete leadership and management of the project on behalf of the clients. We can work out other suitable engagement models if obliged. Please contact us today to discuss more on this.

For More Information On Our Subscription Services, refer to the below link:-

Full Time Equivalent Service Provider in India

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Ken Research
Ankur Gupta, Head Marketing & Communications


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